Thursday, October 19, 2006

Busy session

I'm busy right now, sorry, no post, perhaps next month.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Actualy, I tried to submit a form to our server, but it has to go through AJAX protocol. I wish I could do it on mochikit library, but in order to mr.Bob Ipolito said, "there no plan to add a POST mechanism on mochi library". So I'm stuck.

Lucky me , Dojo library support it, they support form submit via XMLHTTPRequest protocol. Its little be hard to find how to do it, since dojo still under heavy development, but thanks to, heres the way I did on my code :

This is part of my button action / signal

var my_url = this.ajax_url+"ajax/ajax.items.php?task=test";{ url : my_url,
load: function(type, data, evt)
var rows = data.rows;
var cols = data.columns;
the_object.value = data;
formNode: getElement("aoiForm"),
mimetype:'text/json' });

You may found in this part of javascript code, there's as simple as mochikit did. Thats why I'll stick my GET method with mochikit and do the POST method with dojo.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Twisted - adbapi example

this is a simple example of adbapi use pymssql module to connect to MSSQL server.

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
def getSites():
return dbpool.runQuery("select * from m_site")

def printResult(l):
for item in l:
print item

dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("pymssql", user="sa", password="bedjo", host="", database="bedjo")
reactor.callLater(4, reactor.stop)

Thats all ... cheers

pymssql - example script

This is a simple script to test a connection of pymssql.
It's easy, but I always forgot. It seems that I'm getting old. lol.

Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pymssql
>>> con = pymssql.connect(user="sa", password="bedjo", host="", database="bedjo");
>>> cur = con.cursor();
>>> cur.execute("select * from m_site");
>>> print cur.rowcount;
>>> print cur.fetchall();
>>> cur.execute("insert into log_message values ('succes') ");
>>> con.commit();
>>> con.close();

Thats all, the simple things to do.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Twisted - A Network Framework

Its on my radar.
Fuih, so many application or framework come up on my radar. Why ? Its happend for my office purpose actually. We build our integration application on PHP front end application. But we did not decided yet our back end application. I tried to found a good platform for our back end.

Zope is still my first consideration, but yes, I still have some problem to implement it. Many things come up to things. One of the main reason is ZODB. It doesnt mean I dont like it, but Zope is depend on it and it hard to remove. Some people may say, "we can build application on zope without ZODB". But I thinks its hard.

Next, is Twisted. I got attract to twisted by reading many blog post on python daily. Then letter on, someone drop me a pdf file about twisted. Its interesting. It has a flexible DBConnection, it has a many network protocol. I might gonna use one of those protocol for my application, but not decided yet which one of them.

My application it work like this : It should be work as a robot application. It will start and monitor many transaction table. It can make transaction summarize, report and calculate many background process. It should made a history log on file or DB. It can make to daemon/service.
At advance, it can provide an XML-RPC or SOAP, to retrieve document generate or xml data.
It may run every 15 minutes or End of Day process.

I think twisted is suite enough.

But recently, Zope 3.2 come up with twisted 2.1 on it. I dont know the combination between these two, but if it does, it would be a great combination tools on hand. So what should I do ?
Take pure twisted or Zope 3.2 with twisted included ? give me a light.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dojo Toolkit as my DHTML Library

A month ago, I was looking for various DHTML Library for my office project. I have define 3 DHTML groups which on my radar. Finally, none of them is fit with my requirements. Then, I saw on Mochikit mailinglist, many mochikit users take dojo toolkit as their DHTML Library.

Dojo is still on beta version, but please dont ignore it, even if this is beta version, it work quite good. You may take a look at TurboAJAX site, they provide many tools build on top of Dojo Toolkit. They are an awesome product.

So, After collecting many information from mochikit mailinglist, I can able to make dojo and mochikit work together. Heres the sample code on one of my page

< type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/js/mochikit/MochiKit.js">< / script >
< type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/js/dojo022/dojo.js">< / script >
< type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/js/dojo022/src/widget/TabPane.js"> < / script >
< type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/js/inventories.js">< / script >

< type="text/javascript">

//initialize dojo

function qc_search()
{ alert("masuk sini");
doc_manager = new DOCManager("order_response", "qc_search");

That all part of my code. As you can see, we have to load mochikit before dojo. If not then we have to mention mochikit function completly which was ugly to do.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Thick Client or Thin Client

While I'm surf the net, I found Brad Neuberg blog entry, speak about Thick Client and Thin Client architecture. He's clearly explain the difference between those two architecture. I believe, my current office project is Thin Client architecture, which its mean use a simple UI. On the other side, I feel that my office commarade project module is Thick Client architecture, which is heavy UI.

One of readers comment mention about Qooxdoo Library for Thick Client. I've check their website, and take alook at their example/demo page. Woaa Extremerly heavy UI. I dont think I wanna use this one for my project. But, Its interesting to learn it.

Other reader XFORMS, XHTML which belong to next generation of web application. He also deliver an introduction link, I should have to take alook at it and learn it little bit. Its W3C standard complient for web 2.0 application.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Desperately need for DHTML Effect Library

Currently, I'm joining our company developer teams to build our internal integrated system. It will build using some of open source project, such as PHP, MySQL, AJAX, MAMBO, and so on. The biggest challange we've found is The Rich GUI Web. Yes, we dont have any skill about this, but we will take this path.

So far for The AJAX toolkit is solve through Mochikit which provide JSON as their primary data exchange format, and we realy happy about it. It's work now with our application. But Mochikit is lag of visual effect or widget. I hope their port version will be deliver as soon as posible.

We had many candidate for our DHTML Effect Library, and it hard to choose one of them, because it will need time to learn and the other limitation is our skill in javascript arena.
Here the list :
- BACKBASE Community Edition --> we had a problem with their licencing term.
-, Open RICO, Moo.fx which are base of Prototype AJAX Library --> Prototype doesnt support JSON right now.
- Yahoo UI Library provide by yahoo teams ---> just release in this week

So, while we waiting to choose the right one, we go directly by our self. We search and download available DHTML trick and try to run it on our application. We also had an idea to go get hire someone out there whos expert on javascript arena, but its hard to find around our city.

If you had any DHTML Effect Library candidate, please let me know.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

PyMSSQL got broken

Woa, something goes wrong on my TG installation.

It said an error message "can't commit" when I tried to execute "DBNetLib ... bla bla bla ... server does not exist ... bla bla bla ... access denied". I dont know why it happend, but I guess it happend because I just re-install my operating system last time. So, I had to go to sqlobject site, pyMSSQL site, and turbogear site. Finaly, I found something on python ADO-DB site, Its about an extention of python on Windows. So, after I installed this extention, my pyMSSQL can connected to our SQL Server Machine.

Then here comes another error message ... "can't commit" when I execute "tg-admin sql create" which are create our model class. It contains 5 classes. I dont know why, but I'll solve it somehow.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Activate TG 0.9

A while back, I had a TG 0.88 installed on my machine, and then accidently I execute the intall from my TG trunk directory, and wollaa.... my TG broke down. I dont know why. Sorry, Im just a newbie on python world, so after long googling, I found that I execute TG 0.9 development source code to replace my TG 0.88.

So, in order to make my TG running again, I had to use TG 0.9, I dont mind about it, so here's the stuff that I had to execute first :

1. Install the pre-request. The RuleDispatch
easy_install -f RuleDispatch

2. go to the TG 0.9 trunk directory and run this below command
python develop

3. go to on eachside of thirdparty directory which are cherrypy and sqlobject and run this below command on each of them
python -c "import setuptools; execfile('')" develop

4. Then the lasting is install the Nose for testing purpose
easy_install nose

and wollaa.... my TG is back

Friday, February 03, 2006

Mochikit on PHP

Hi there, hehehe, frankly enough huh ?
yes, I manage to run mochikit on my office project, built on top of php.
Here's the tips :
1. on your html file put a javascript like this one :

// define the DOCManager Object classes
DOCManager = function()
{ // define the property
this.target_div = getElement("response");
this.parameter = "&company_id="+ getElement("company_id").value +
"&grin_type="+ getElement("grin_type").value +
"&grin_no="+ getElement("grin_no").value +
"&ref_type="+ getElement("ref_type").value +
"&ref_no="+ getElement("ref_no").value +
"&order_no="+ getElement("order_no").value;
// bind the methods

// define the DOCManager methods
DOCManager.prototype =
"loadDOC" : function()
{ alert( " will gonna define the JSON Doc" );
var doc = loadJSONDoc("{FRONTCOMPONENTURL}ajax/ajax.bedjo.php?task=search"+
alert( " define DOC, and we will proccess the doc" );
doc.addCallbacks(this.processDOC, this.errorDOC);
alert( "DOC process complete" );

"processDOC" : function(data)
{ alert("come to processDOC baby");
var rows = data.rows;
var cols = data.columns;
var newTable = TABLE({"id":"repeat_table", "name":"repeat_table",
"width":"100%", "border":"0", "cellpadding":"1",
THEAD(null, map(this.colDisplay, cols)
TFOOT(null, TR(null,
TD({"colspan":"3", "class":"sectiontableheader"}, " "),
TD({"colspan":"5", "class":"sectiontableheader"}, " ")
TBODY(null, map(this.rowDisplay, rows)
swapDOM('response', newTable);

"errorDOC" : function(data)
alert( data.message );

"rowDisplay" : function (data)
return TR({"class":"sectiontableentry2"}, map(partial(TD, null), data));

"colDisplay" : function (data)
return TR(null, map(partial(TD, {"class":"sectiontableheader"}), data));


function search_grin()
{ doc_manager = new DOCManager();

Please remove the // sign in front of the tag, since It forbiden in here
and you have to made an on-click action on your submit-button, I'll bet you know what I meant.

2. Create the ajax file , I named it ajax.bedjo.php, and heres the sample code with a JSON and XML return doc :

$task = $_REQUEST["task"];

switch ( $task )
case 'create':
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo $action;
echo "";
echo "kembang jepun kembang krampung, aku mlembung kakean diambung ";
echo "";
case 'find':
echo '[{';
echo '"id" : "8370",';
echo '"name" : "KANG BEDJO EMANG EMOY"';
echo '},';
echo '{';
echo '"id" : "8360",';
echo '}]';
case 'list':
echo '{';
echo ' "columns": [[ "domain_name", "create_date", "expiry_date", "organization_name"]],';
echo ' "rows": [';
echo ' ["", "2000-05-08", "2006-05-08", "Douglas Crockford"],';
echo ' ["", "2005-02-10", "2007-02-10", "Jameson Hsu"],';
echo ' ["", "2003-09-24", "2006-09-24", "Bob Ippolito"],';
echo ' ["", "2000-01-10", "2006-01-10", "Robert J Ippolito"],';
echo ' ["", "1995-03-27", "2007-03-28", "Python Software Foundation"]';
echo ' ]';
echo '}';

Ok thats all, now u can use it. Anyway this is a simple tutorial on using mochikit with php.

Ok, cu next

Friday, January 13, 2006


After tried to run wiki20 demo, its time to try to connect to MS-SQL Server Database. The wiki20 demo used SQLITE db for their database backend. Its mean I have to modify the dev.conf file and change the SQLOBJECT db-URI from SQLITE configuration to MS-SQL configuration. But I remembered on my last visit to sqlobject, it seems they'd not yet support MS-SQL DB. So I take a chance to look at their website again and they said they on version 0.7, so I check my sqlobject package version, its older than the one in their website.

So, I go to dos-prompt and try to update our turbogears package with this command : "easy_install -f TurboGears", and its get all the latest package from TURBOGEARS website, such as cherrypy 2.1.1 and sqlobject 0.7. Then I had to download the pymssql, the python binding for MSSQL DB, I take the latest one, and installed onto my machine.

Then I take my dev.conf file on my project directory, and give the MSSQL DB-URI on it, and then I run "tg-admin sql create" on my dos-prompt. Woa, it says "Using database URI mssql://..." which mean I succesfully create all my object into MSSQL DB-URI.

Now, Its time to dig deep into SQLOBJECT.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Installed TurboGears

Hi there, This week I tried to give a look at turbogears.
I'd go to turbogears project homepage and start to took how to install the software on my Windowz machine with Python 2.4.1 engine.

Here's the step that I take :

1. download
2. go to dos-prompt and run, after it done then closed the dos-prompt.
3. after that... edit the environment variable and put ";C:\Python24;C:\Python24\Scripts" from My System Computer environtment variable edit box.
4. go to dos-prompt and go to your project directory and run easy_install -f TurboGears. It will imediatly download all the turbogears packages and install automaticaly into my windowz machine.
5. your packages should get download and install now.
6. If you wanna use the SQL Lite DB, then you have to download the python to sqlite binding. I take pysqlite. Run it and it will install on your windows machine.

Then, I download Wiki20 Demo Movies and try to run it on my machine.
So far so good. I'll see what I can do next. CU Next