Friday, January 13, 2006


After tried to run wiki20 demo, its time to try to connect to MS-SQL Server Database. The wiki20 demo used SQLITE db for their database backend. Its mean I have to modify the dev.conf file and change the SQLOBJECT db-URI from SQLITE configuration to MS-SQL configuration. But I remembered on my last visit to sqlobject, it seems they'd not yet support MS-SQL DB. So I take a chance to look at their website again and they said they on version 0.7, so I check my sqlobject package version, its older than the one in their website.

So, I go to dos-prompt and try to update our turbogears package with this command : "easy_install -f TurboGears", and its get all the latest package from TURBOGEARS website, such as cherrypy 2.1.1 and sqlobject 0.7. Then I had to download the pymssql, the python binding for MSSQL DB, I take the latest one, and installed onto my machine.

Then I take my dev.conf file on my project directory, and give the MSSQL DB-URI on it, and then I run "tg-admin sql create" on my dos-prompt. Woa, it says "Using database URI mssql://..." which mean I succesfully create all my object into MSSQL DB-URI.

Now, Its time to dig deep into SQLOBJECT.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Installed TurboGears

Hi there, This week I tried to give a look at turbogears.
I'd go to turbogears project homepage and start to took how to install the software on my Windowz machine with Python 2.4.1 engine.

Here's the step that I take :

1. download
2. go to dos-prompt and run, after it done then closed the dos-prompt.
3. after that... edit the environment variable and put ";C:\Python24;C:\Python24\Scripts" from My System Computer environtment variable edit box.
4. go to dos-prompt and go to your project directory and run easy_install -f TurboGears. It will imediatly download all the turbogears packages and install automaticaly into my windowz machine.
5. your packages should get download and install now.
6. If you wanna use the SQL Lite DB, then you have to download the python to sqlite binding. I take pysqlite. Run it and it will install on your windows machine.

Then, I download Wiki20 Demo Movies and try to run it on my machine.
So far so good. I'll see what I can do next. CU Next